Wednesday 30 November 2016

Welcome to SKY

In the summer of 2015 SKY Community Economic Development Services was founded with great passion and a clear mission, to help First Nations communities build an economy for their people.
Economic development is a vital component to community development, it is what provides community members with hope and aspiration. It can be viewed as a wheel with various parts, and if one part is missing or is not engaged then the wheel will either not turn at all, or it will turn for a while then collaps.
There is a currently a reality where business are struggling due to challenges in retaining employees or limited access markets, what ever the reason, the wheel is not functioning well enough to make things move forward for the community.
This is where SKY seeks to fill a gap by either working directly with local members through workshops, such as goal setting, entering motherhood, work ethics, and entrepreneurship, or by offering economic development services to community Band Councils in the areas such as market research, business marketing, community economic development planning, and sponsorship campaigns. SKY acknowledge the various challenges communities faces and believes that by ensuring each community obtain the appropriate pieces for their wheel and through proper instalation, then the wheel of economic development will turn for that community. It is a process that becomes a communal effort.